The mission of Grants 4 Animals LLC is to help as many animals as possible by supporting nonprofits working in the animal welfare space. To accomplish its mission, Grants 4 Animals provides resources, tools, courses, consulting, and full-service grant writing specifically tailored to the needs of animal-related nonprofits, ranging from traditional shelters to farm rescues to organizations advocating for animals. Founded in 2021, Grants 4 Animals has helped earn, manage, and report on over $2,692,404 in grants, all for nonprofits that help animals.
Every day, the world over, wild and domestic animals are abandoned, displaced, or injured by humans and natural causes. The sole purpose of The Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) is to ensure that these animals receive the highest standards of care during rescue, rehabilitation, and the rest of their life.
GFAS is the only globally recognized organization for certifying that a facility meets the GFAS Standards of Excellence and recognizes those as a true “sanctuary.” As such, facilities around the world, large and small, come to GFAS for guidance and support in achieving and maintaining GFAS-accredited status.

The Open Sanctuary Project is a freely accessible, always growing digital guide for any resources or information you need in order to responsibly create and successfully manage an animal sanctuary or to provide the best possible care to animals in order to help them live long, healthy, happy lives free of exploitation.
All of their resources are researched and responsibly crafted with the intention of promoting compassionate care standards and practices for animals in need of help and sanctuary, while identifying and discouraging practices that are exploitative or harmful to the individual.
American Sanctuary Association (ASA) is an accrediting organization that requires accredited animal sanctuaries to comply with a variety of high quality animal care standards and housing requirements. Besides a detailed application process, in which we review organizational qualifications such as financial stability, fundraising procedures, board oversight, permits and licenses, organizational bylaws, educational materials and veterinary references, we also visit all animal sanctuaries to assure that their facilities and animal care merit our endorsement. In addition, ASA accredited sanctuaries are not allowed to breed, sell, or trade animals or use them for commercial purposes.

The Microsanctuary Resource Center (MRC) started in late 2014 with the goal of inspiring vegans to rescue farmed animals with their existing resources. The result was an effort to create a new model for sanctuary, as well as to build a community of activist-caregivers within the larger sanctuary and vegan movements.
Their goals are to continue promoting high, companion-level care standards for all non-humans; to break down the speciesist divide between “companions” and “others”; to empower activists of all backgrounds to participate in animal rescue; and to help achieve collective liberation for all beings.
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